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After Dinner Chat

Posted by: Age: 52 Posted on: 2 comments
4 likes 2456 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Masturbation, married woman, female friend, buttocks, arse,
My friends frustrated wife

After Dinner Chat I've never really been comfortable staying away overnight at friends houses, I always preferred my privacy. Sometimes however, it made sense to stay due to the lateness of the day, and the distance needed to drive home safely.

On one such occasion I stayed with my friend Rob and his wife Sue. I'd gone to see Rob to give him a hand with some DIY, and Sue had cooked us a meal to say "Thank you". After dinner, I helped Sue wash up while Rob went off to check something on the internet. Now Sue had a nice figure, not skinny or fat, more kind of voluptuous, and she had a great sense of humour. We chatted in the kitchen as she washed and I dried up, bantering and being mildly flirtatious. Sue had a really lovely behind, and she kind of kept wiggling it when she was at the sink washing the dishes, knowing that I liked women's rears (we'd discussed likes and dislikes over the years that wed known one another). "Careful Sue, Ill be having an accident if you keep doing that", I said jokingly. "Not getting you worked up am I Rich?" she said laughing. "You know me too well" I replied smiling, thinking it was just banter. "You need to be careful though, after all, I am staying the night and you'll only get me frustrated". Sue looked over her shoulder at me. "Frustrated? You mean you wouldn't be able to get some manual relief while you are here?" she winked at me. Blushing, I just grinned at her. Sue chuckled and then carried on with the washing up. When we'd finished and everything was put away, we both headed for the lounge to watch some late night TV. Rob was nowhere to be seen, so Sue headed off upstairs to see if he was still on the computer. While she was upstairs, I changed into my t-shirt and jogging bottoms, ready for a nights kip on the lounge floor. After what seemed ages, Sue returned and said that Rob was asleep. "Too much wine I think" said Sue, frowning. Sue had changed while she was upstairs, and had put on her nightie and a housecoat. She lay down on the sofa while I lay on the floor with a couple of pillows under my head. "Rob has worked hard today as well Sue" I said, feeling the need to defend my friend. "Oh, I know" said Sue, "Its just becoming a regular thing, and Im left awake on my own most nights." "Well, you've got me to talk to tonight" I said, trying to cheer her up. Sue chuckled. "Rich, its not talk that I need, if you get my drift." "Oh, well, I'm not sure I can help you out there" I said chuckling too. "No, I suppose you shouldn't. It is a pity really though, after all, we are friends, and don't friends help one another out? Sue said looking down at me from the sofa. I must have looked nervous. "Sorry Rich, I didnt mean to embarrass you, its just getting very bloody frustrating for me" Sue said sighing. "Well, what can I say, but sorry. At least you'll know that I'm also just as frustrated tonight, after all, you've been wiggling your behind at me for most of the day" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "You are?" said Sue smiling. "Of course I am, you've a fine rear that you keep teasing me with. It's always caused me problems that I have to take in hand and deal with when I get home" I said, perhaps revealing a little too much information given the circumstances. "Oh, really now?" said Sue suggestively, her eyes lighting up. "Just what exactly do you mean Rich, by take in hand?" asked Sue. "Well, what do you think I mean Sue?" I said winking at her. "I think you toss off thinking about my arse" grinned Sue. "You'd not be wrong" I said smiling. "And does this activity you engage in, while thinking about my arse, only happen at your home Rich, or does it happen at other locations?" asked Sue, raising her eyebrows and grinning at me. "Usually at home, but it has also occurred in my car or a hotel room from time to time" I admitted. "So, let me get this straight Rich, you've masturbated, while thinking about my arse, when you've been at your home, in your car, and in a hotel room. Is that correct?" asked Sue staring at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "Yep" I said. "I've always liked you Sue, and your arse is so, so, .........., well, wankworthy" I told her. Sue laughed out loud. Then asked me, "Wankworthy?" "Yep, worthy of a wank when thought about Sue, hence, wankworthy" I explained. Sue then chuckled. "I take it that you're rather frustrated at the moment then Rich?" she asked, nodding towards the tent in my jog bottoms. I blushed, and cleared my throat. "I'll take that as a 'Yes' then Rich" she said giggling. "You do seem to have quite a hard on there from what I can judge". She paused before adding, "Rich, it seems silly for you to wait until you get home to relieve yourself of it, don't you agree?" said Sue, teasingly. Sensing my embarrassment, Sue said "Honestly, it'll be OK Rich, really, I won't mind if you want to have a wank, especially as you say I've caused your state of frustration". "Are you sure you won't be offended Sue?" I asked, hoping despite my embarrassment, that my eagerness to toss off in front of her wasn't showing. "Of course I won't be Rich, it's perfectly fine by me. After all, we've known each other for years now" she replied, grinning. "Actually, I think I'll join you and have a fiddle with myself at the same time. Knowing that you're lying next to me with a hard on has got me a tad moist if I'm honest with you" Sue continued. It was almost like a game of dare. "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours". Before I could have second thoughts, I took off my jog bottoms and boxers, and lay back down. My cock stuck up proudly, pointing at the ceiling. Sue looked back down at me once again, and licked her lips. "Nice" she commented as she gazed at my hard cock. "Better yet" she said as she watched me start to stroke my cock. She shrugged open her house coat and hitched up the hem of her nightie. "You're not wearing any knickers" I said, surprised. "I never do at bedtime Rich, makes it easier access for my fingers, or anyone else's" said Sue, suggestively, "or for their cock". So saying, she ran her fingers over her pussy lips, before inserting one to play with her clit. "You like to masturbate too then Sue?" I asked, watching her as I slowly stroked my hard cock. "Of course I do Rich, I prefer a good shag given the choice, but lately, with Rob seeming to lose interest in me, my fingers are my only source of relief and relaxation" Sue said wistfully as she continued to play with herself while watching me masturbate. Quietly, I asked her, "Sue, is everything OK between you and Rob?" Sue stopped her fingering. I thought Id offended her. She got up, wrapped her housecoat around her, and walked into the kitchen. After a few moments she called my name and asked me to come into the kitchen. She was standing with her back to the kitchen sink. "Rich" she said as I stood there naked from the waist down, "Rob wasn't only drunk and asleep, he'd been looking at porn on the computer as well" Sue said. "Oh" I mumbled. What else could I say. "Sorry". "Not as sorry as I am" said Sue, nearly crying. "I've often caught him looking at porn online recently, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's been tossing off while watching it" sobbed Sue. "It's not fair, he should be appreciating me, wanking off for me to watch, or shagging me, not getting his rocks of looking at porn on the computer!" Sue turned away from me, leaned on the kitchen sink and sobbed. Hesitantly I moved to her, gently touched her on the shoulder. "I'm really sorry to learn that Sue, I hadn't realised" I said. Sue turned back around to face me. "That's Ok Rich, its just been so frustrating, and it's made me doubt myself" Sue mumbled through her sobs. "I thought I was an attractive woman, I've seen men look at me, even younger ones have given me the eye. They seem to find me attractive, sexy even, so why doesn't my husband?" "I can't answer that Sue" I said pulling her gently to me and hugging her. "Thanks Rich" she said hugging me tight. We stood holding one another for a while. Then the feel of her body, her warmth and the smell of her hair caused my cock to harden and press against her thigh. "Oh my" whispered Sue. "Sorry about that" I said. "Don't be Rich, it feels nice, and makes me feel appreciated" sighed Sue happily. More importantly, Sue didn't pull away. The warm feeling of her naked thigh against my cock caused it to twitch. Still Sue didn't pull away. I gently ran my hand up and down Sue's back, gradually letting it get lower until I was rubbing my hand over Sue's buttocks. Still Sue didn't pull away. I moved both my hands to Sue's buttocks and gently squeezed them. Sue just laid her head on my shoulder and sighed with contentment. Then, as I fondled Sue's arse, she reached down and gently gripped my hard cock. I didn't try to stop her. Sue then started to slowly, gently, wank my cock. I squeezed her arse in reply. No words were said. Sue let go of my cock, and turning around, leaned forward over the sink. The hem of her nightie road up revealing her shaven pussy, the silky material of her nightie clinging to her buttocks, emphasising their shape and firmness. She raised herself on tiptoe, opened her legs, and wiggled her behind at me, a silent invitation. I realised then just what great legs she also had too. Sue looked back over her shoulder and pointedly looking at my hard cock, wiggled her arse again. I took the hint, and throwing caution to the wind, I moved forward until my hard cock was pressing against her buttocks. Sue reached down and back, grabbed my cock, and guided it to her wet pussy. She held it there for a while, rubbing the head over her wet pussy lips, before pushing back gently and sliding my hard cock inside her. We stood like that for a few minutes, each of us taking in what we were feeling, and what we were doing, and the boundary we were crossing. Then I started gently thrusting, only a few strokes, before stopping a silent question to Sue. She understood, and answered me by pushing back firmly and grinding her arse into my crotch. I gripped her hips and started thrusting again, more firmly now. Sue pushed back as I began to pound against her lovely firm arse. As I increased the speed of my thrusting, I shifted one hand from her hip to her shoulder, allowing me to thrust more deeply into her pussy. Our breathing got more ragged, Sue began to gently moan as I shagged her harder and harder. She slipped one hand down to her pussy and fingered her clit as I thrust into her. Then I felt her pussy contract, spasm and she groaned. I knew then that she had orgasmed. I needed to cum myself now, and I shifted my hands from her hip and shoulder and cupped her breasts. I could feel her hard nipples poking against the silky material of her nightie and squeezed them as I fucked her harder. I could feel myself near to cumming and started to pull my cock out of her pussy. Sue sensed this and shook her head, making it clear to me that she wanted me to cum inside her. One final deep thrust was all it needed for me to cum in her, spurt after spurt of spunk. Sue moaned with pleasure as I shuddered and lay panting against her back. Slowly, finally, we both calmed down. I moved back, my sticky, deflated cock flopping out of Sues sticky wet pussy. Sue turned around to face me, smiled, then kissed me on the cheek. Now isnt that better than going home frustrated Rich? she asked me giggling, but you still owe me the right to watch you tossing off over my arse she added with a wink. With that thought, she headed off upstairs to bed, leaving me standing there in the kitchen.



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